Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Southeast kicks off Cybersecurity major

CAPE GIRARADEAU, MO (KRCU) - Southeast Missouri State University has joined a handful of universities in implementing a new undergraduate degree: a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity.

To introduce their new program, they brought James Lewis, the director of the Technology and Public Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C., to speak on campus Tuesday.

"There's a couple things going on that makes this a good time to get into the field. For one thing there's just growing demand for these sets of skills. Another thing is that we are at an early phase of figuring out what those skills are. So it's a chance to be a pioneer and it's a chance to get into a field that I think is only going to grow," Lewis said.​

Student can major in Cybersecurity beginning in Fall 2011. Lewis said that with the rapid growth of the Internet, students with a cyber-security degree can almost walk into jobs upon graduation. ​

Rachel Weatherford, KRCU


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