Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cantor draws McCaskill's ire

Senator Claire McCaskill is incensed and dismayed by statements made by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

According to the Washington Post and other media, Representative Cantor stated “that if Congress passes an emergency spending bill to help Missouri's tornado victims, the extra money will have to be cut from somewhere else.”

Senator McCaskill responded directly to those comments in a radio conference call Wednesday.

"I would like to venture a guess that if Eric Cantor had the kind of destruction in his congressional district that the people of Joplin have endured over the last few days that he would not have the nerve to say that money for Joplin would only come at the expense of another program," McCaskill said.

Representative Cantor has taken flak from both sides of the aisle since his comments Monday.

Over 120 people lost their lives in the tornado that ravaged Joplin on Sunday.

Tim Filla, KRCU


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