Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No long-term funding in place for Broadway renovation

CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO (KRCU) - While the final look of the Broadway Corridor Enhancement Project is still on the drawing board, its funding is set in stone.

Funding for the undertaking is coming from two sources, according to project manager Kasey Brunke.

"The entire funding that we have for the Broadway Corridor Enhancement Project, which is from Pacific Street to Water Street we have $3.85 million," Brunke said. "$2.85 million came from the Transportation Trust Fund Four tax."

The other one million dollars comes from the city's transfer of property to Isle of Capri.

The project has been planned on for many years, but it was jumped started by Isle of Capri’s decision to open a casino in Cape Girardeau.

While funding for construction is in place, many supporters harbor some level anxiety about the long-term upkeep of the project.

Brunke says that there is no definite long term funding solution, but it is one of her top priorities.

"I know maintenance is a huge issue," Brunke said. "We are still checking into all that. It is very much at the forefront of our radars. We don’t wanna put something in that looks great the day we put it in, but then a year or two years later it doesn’t look so nice. I thought SWT had a really good comment about saying they want it to look good when they put it in and 30 years later."

The project will rehab a stretch of Broadway running from Pacific to Water Street. Bidding will start in the fall. Construction is slated to start in the winter and be done by next fall.

The team hopes that the construction will be completed by Southeast Missouri State’s homecoming.

Tim Filla, KRCU


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