Monday, May 9, 2011

Mo. House approves Local Control bill

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (MISSOURI DIGITAL NEWS) - A deal on local control is working its way through Missouri's legislature, contingent on approval from the St. Louis police union that's so far opposed it.

Missouri's House has approved the deal, sending it back to the Senate.

But the bill won't move forward until the police union gets the collective bargaining rights it wants.

There's a deal in the works to make that happen.

The Senate is scheduled to vote Monday to confirm a new police board member who supports giving the union those rights.

Appointee Tom Irwin would tip the board in favor of a collective bargaining deal.

A St. Louis Democratic Senator who's opposed previous versions of the bill says the police union's OK is needed to get the bill through.

A deal has to happen this week before the end of the legislative session.

Theo Keith, Missouri Digital News


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