Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Governor supports Prop B compromise

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (MISSOURI DIGITAL NEWS) - The Governor backed a compromise to Proposition B headlined by weaker regulations and more than one million dollars added to its budget.

Jay Nixon said in a press release the proposed legislation is a compromise among voters, animal rights groups, and Missouri's agricultural industry.

The agreement would add $1.1 million to the budget and also allow breeders to own more than 50 dogs, a reversal of the original regulations.

Senator Mike Parson sponsored the original bill. He agrees with the compromise, but says he's worried with the interference from the United States Humane Society.

"That's a disappointing fact that people from out of the state of Missouri don't even want to compromise when all the animal rights groups in Missouri are agreeing to this," Parson said.

The US Humane Society opposed the revised proposition.

Parson also says he is unsure if the compromise will have time to pass through both legislative houses by the end of the session.

Executive Director of the Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation Bob Baker says he is pleased with the compromise.

“It gives the dogs much more space and room, it will entitle them to much better access. It will prohibit wire in the flooring, it will provide that they have a veterinary exam compared to veterinary inspection,” Baker said.

The amended bill will have to go through the entire legislative process.

Brian Pepoon and Meghan McGinnis, Missouri Digital News


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